On behalf of the Prion2023 Congress Organizing Committee and the NeuroPrion Association, we invite you to join us for the International Conference Prion2023 from 16-20 October 2023 in Faro, Portugal.
The Prion2023 Congress in Faro will follow the Prion 2020/22 meeting in Göttingen, the Prion2017 in Edinburgh, Prion2018 in Santiago de Compostela and Prion2019 in Edmonton. We intend to follow the format as well as high standard and quality of the previous meetings. The Prion2023 aims to bring together leading scientists in the field of prion- and prion-like disorders and will discuss the latest developments in structural biology, prion propagation, transmission, animal and human diseases. We will encourage and foster lively discussions about the nature of the agent, the risk to human and animal health, and emerging therapeutic concepts.
We hope to attract the participation of young scientists at early stages in their careers, and will provide ample opportunities for them to present their work. We have allocated considerable space for selected oral communications.
The program will comprise keynote lectures dedicated to specific topics. Oral presentations and poster sessions will be selected from submitted abstracts. Pre-conference workshops and patient organization meetings will be part of the program, and we will include a hot-topics session at the end of the conference.
Faro is a university city on the coast in the southern region of Algarve, providing a fantastic back-drop to the congress. The venue of the conference will be the university lecture hall , where all facilities needed for the conference are available.
We look forward to meeting you in Faro in 2023!
On behalf of the PRION2023 Organizing Committee |
Inga Zerr |
Herman Schaetzl |
Jesus Requena |
Jean-Philippe Deslys |
Heather True |
Amanda Woerman |
Leonor Orge |
Eduardo Melo |
Tuane Vieira |
Glenn Telling |
Jiyan Ma |
Tiago Outeiro |